Family Constellation Workshops
Next Workshop:
Saturday 7th September 2024
9.30 am - 5.30pm
Becket Centre, Woodford Green, IG8 0RB
Issue Holder £170
Space Holder £50
Constellations were developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger. He discovered that sometimes, despite our best efforts over long periods of time, difficult problems persist in our lives. These enduring issues may have their origins and potential solutions in our unconscious relationship to our family system. Constellations provide a fresh and powerful way to understand and resolve these deeply felt, intensely personal issues.
Difficulties that can be profoundly transformed by constellations include:
Relationship problems between partners, parents and children
Parenting issues (including concerns about one's own children)
Divorce or separation
Inability to achieve what we want in life
Frustrations with work, career direction, money
Illness, disability, facing death, bereavement
Abuse, incest, rape
Persistent depression, anxiety or other emotional states
Addictions or other compulsive behaviours
Constellations help us to view our issues in the context of all our important relationships and loyalties. They reveal to us the ways we may be unconsciously entangled in relationships with others. In those entanglements, we may follow in the footsteps of another person, however costly that may be to ourselves. Alternatively, we may seek to compensate another person with a painful fate by denying ourselves. Through this gentle but powerful work, previously baffling dynamics can be brought to light and resolved. This enables participants to move towards freeing themselves from the forces that hinder their happiness and fulfillment.
What happens in a workshop?
In a safe and confidential setting, each Issue Holder works with Debbie to set up a constellation on their issue. Firstly, Debbie will support them to describe the issue. The participant then chooses members of the group to represent the relevant people, and position them into the special grouping, which is a constellation. During this process, a clearer picture of the issue and the underlying dynamics emerges. This picture can offer us profound new insights about the people and events in our lives, and can open up radical new approaches to change and resolution. These in turn create the possibility of arriving at peace with our issues, and of moving forwards with greater freedom, happiness and purpose.
Participants may be an Issue Holder, who brings an issue to constellate, or attend as a Representative. Representatives may take part in constellations and so contribute to the work and also learn about it. Representing in the work of others often offers insights and healing as powerful as when we bring our own issues.
A safe, confidential and supportive environment is provided in the workshops. Taking part in this process, either as an Issue Holder or Representative can touch people in a deep and healing way.
No prior knowledge of this way of working is needed.